Green vs Red Chilli Heart Health: Excessive consumption of red chilli is harmful for the heart. Green chilli contains a compound called capsaicin which helps in weight loss. This compound helps in heating the body and burning fat. Therefore, if you consume green chilli regularly, it can help you in losing weight.
Green vs Red Chilli Heart Health, Weight Loss & Safety
Both ground red chilli and fresh green chilli are very spicy to eat. But when it comes to benefits, green chilli is very beneficial and is also beneficial for health. Whereas excessive consumption of red chilli can make you sick and make you a heart patient.
Therefore, if you are fond of spicy food, then you should consume green chillies. This will prove to be more beneficial for you than consuming red chillies.
Green chillies are good for the stomach
Green chillies contain fiber and vitamin C which help in strengthening the digestive system. You can also use green chillies in salad. Green chilli seeds are very beneficial for the stomach. Eating it keeps your digestive system strong.
Helps in losing weight
Green chillies contain a compound called capsaicin which helps in weight loss. This compound helps in heating the body and burning fat. Therefore, if you consume green chillies regularly, it can help you in losing weight.
Reducing the Risk of Cancer
Green chillies have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing the risk of cancer. There are many benefits of eating green chillies in salad. Apart from this, you can eat green chillies raw while eating vegetables which are very beneficial for the body.
improving heart health
Green chillies contain vitamin C and potassium which help in improving heart health. Along with this, green chillies contain vitamin C which helps in strengthening the immune system. Your immune system gives you strength when you are sick.
Eyesight becomes sharper
Consumption of green chillies is also very beneficial for the eyes. Green chillies contain vitamins A and C which help in improving eye health. At the same time, green chillies have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help in making the skin healthy.
(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information. Before adopting it, definitely take medical advice. THE MONK does not confirm this.)