Kidney Failure Symptoms: These 7 Dangerous Signs Start Appearing in The Body

Kidney Failure Symptoms: Kidney failure is a serious problem, which often develops gradually and can be difficult to recognize until its symptoms become clear. The main function of the kidney is to filter our blood and remove toxins from the body. But when the kidney is not able to function properly, it starts giving signals. If you recognize these symptoms in time, the risk of kidney failure can be reduced to a great extent. Let us know about 7 such signs, which point to kidney failure.

7 Kidney Failure Symptoms:

1. Excessive fatigue and weakness

One of the early symptoms of kidney failure is excessive fatigue and weakness. When there is a problem in the kidney, toxins start accumulating in the body, causing fatigue. If the kidney does not function properly, the production of red blood cells also decreases, which can cause anemia. This causes a lack of energy in the body, and the person feels tired throughout the day.

2. Swelling in the face and feet

The job of the kidney is not only to remove toxins, but it also If the kidney does not function properly, water starts accumulating in the body, which can cause swelling. Especially, swelling starts appearing in the face, feet and ankles. This happens because the kidneys are not able to filter water and salt properly. If you are feeling swelling in the feet or face without any reason, then it can be a sign of kidney failure.


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3. Change in the amount and color of urine

The job of the kidney is to remove excess water and toxins from the body in the form of urine. In case of kidney problems, the amount of urine may be less or more. Apart from this, the color of urine may be dark or foamy. In some cases, there may be blood in the urine. If there is a sudden change in your urine, do not ignore it.

4. Loss of appetite and feeling like vomiting

In case of kidney failure, toxins start accumulating in the body, due to which the person does not feel hungry and feels like vomiting. This condition is called ‘uremic toxicity’. It affects the digestive system and the person does not feel like eating food.

5. Difficulty in breathing: Key Kidney Failure Symptoms

When the kidney does not function properly, the fluid in the body starts accumulating in the lungs, which can cause difficulty in breathing. Apart from this, kidney failure can also cause anemia, which causes lack of oxygen in the body. If you start breathing even after walking a little, then it can be a sign of kidney failure.

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6. Itching and dryness on the skin

Kidney Failure Symptoms: The job of the kidney is not only to remove toxins, but it also maintains the mineral balance in our body. In case of kidney problems, the level of phosphorus and calcium in the blood can deteriorate, which can cause itching and dryness on the skin. If your skin is constantly itching and it cannot be cured with moisturizer, then you should contact a doctor.

7. Difficulty in concentrating

Due to kidney failure, toxins start increasing in the body, which can affect the functioning of the brain. This causes difficulty in concentrating and the person feels difficulty in understanding things. Apart from this, the brain is also not able to remain active due to fatigue and weakness.

Measures to prevent kidney failure

Kidney Failure Symptoms: To avoid kidney failure, you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle. For this, exercise regularly, take a balanced diet, stay away from alcohol and smoking, and do not consume too much salt. Along with this, get blood sugar and blood pressure checked from time to time, as these can affect the health of the kidney. If you see any of the symptoms mentioned above, contact the doctor immediately.


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Kidney Failure Symptoms: Maintaining kidney health is important for our overall health. Recognizing these symptoms in time greatly increases the chances of avoiding kidney failure.

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