Repeated Miscarriage: 8 Powerful Causes and Proven Solutions

Repeated Miscarriage: Miscarriage means the development of the fetus stops within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and the pregnancy ends automatically. If a woman is facing repeated miscarriage, it is very painful not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. There can be many reasons behind the problem of repeated miscarriage, whose proper treatment and prevention is necessary.

Major causes of Repeated miscarriage

1. Genetic issues in the womb

If there is any kind of chromosomal (genetic) disturbance during the development of the fetus, the risk of miscarriage increases. About 50% of early miscarriages are caused by genetic abnormality of the fetus.

2. Hormonal imbalance

Due to lack of progesterone hormone, the uterus is unable to support the fetus properly. Problems like thyroid or PCOD can also cause miscarriage.

Fibroids, septum or other structural problems in the uterus affect the development of the fetus. Weakness of the cervix can also cause miscarriage.

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4. infections

Repeated Miscarriage

Repeated Miscarriage: Some bacterial or viral infections, such as urinary tract infection (UTI) or TORCH infections, can harm the pregnancy.

5. Immunological Issues

Sometimes the woman’s immune system is unable to accept the fetus as a foreign object and the body itself expels it from the utterly

6. Lifestyle and External Factors

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Excessive caffeine (such as tea and coffee) consumption
  • Excessive stress
  • Excessive weight gain or loss
  • Excessive physical exertion or lack of rest

7. Blood clotting issues

Repeated Miscarriage
Blood clotting issues

If the blood flow is not proper, oxygen and nutrition do not reach the fetus, which can lead to miscarriage.

The risk of miscarriage increases if you conceive after the age of 35. The quality of eggs starts decreasing with age.

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Treatments and home remedies to prevent miscarriage

1. Health checkup and medical consultation

If miscarriage is happening repeatedly, it is important to consult a good gynecologist. The doctor can do a thorough examination of both you and your partner, which includes hormonal tests, thyroid tests, and sonography.

2. Take care of essential nutrition

  • Eat foods rich in folic acid, such as spinach, broccoli, and beans.
  • Eat green leafy vegetables and milk for iron and calcium.
  • Protein-rich foods, such as pulses and eggs, are essential for the development of the fetus.

3. Stress management and mental health

Reduce stress with the help of yoga and meditation. Avoid excessive anxiety during pregnancy, as mental stress has a direct impact on the fetus.

4. Balance physical activity and relaxation

Do light exercises, such as walking or prenatal yoga. Avoid excessive exertion or fatigue and get adequate sleep.

5. Stay away from smoking and alcohol

It is very important to give up these habits completely during pregnancy, as they seriously affect the development of the fetus.

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Home Remedies to Prevent Repeated Miscarriage

1. Consume Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha helps in keeping the body stress-free and maintaining hormonal balance after pregnancy. Consume it as per doctor’s advice.

2. Almond and saffron milk as soon as the seventh month arrives

Saffron and almond milk keeps the body warm and strengthens the muscles of the uterus, which maintains stability in pregnancy.

3. Use of basil and honey

Repeated Miscarriage
basil and honey

Taking honey with basil leaves increases immunity in the body and prevents infection.

4. Turmeric milk

Repeated Miscarriage
Turmeric milk

Turmeric has anti-bacterial properties, which protect against infection during pregnancy. It also increases the immunity of the body.

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5. Amla juice

Repeated Miscarriage
Amla juice

Amla is rich in vitamin C and strengthens the immune system. Drinking amla juice regularly helps in conception.

6. Coconut water and pomegranate juice

Repeated Miscarriage
Coconut water and pomegranate juice

Both these beverages keep the body hydrated and help in delivering nutrition to the womb. Pomegranate juice improves blood flow.

Precautions and Final Tips

  1. The first three months are very important, so be more careful during this time and avoid heavy work or travel.
  2. If you have thyroid, PCOD or any other health problem, get regular checkups from a doctor.
  3. Every pregnancy is different, so do not panic due to the experience of previous miscarriage, but stay positive.
  4. Both husband and wife need to maintain patience and support, as the emotional impact of repeated miscarriage can be very deep.

Repeated Miscarriage: Recurrent miscarriage is a serious problem, but this condition can be avoided by finding out the causes at the right time and taking precautions. Pregnancy can be kept safe by diet, regular exercise, mental peace and getting medical checkups done from time to time. It is very important to follow the doctor’s advice along with home remedies, so that the pregnancy can be successful and healthy.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information. Before adopting it, definitely take medical advice. THE MONK does not confirm this.)

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