Mental Health: Frequent crying or anger can be a sign of stress in a child, handle it in this way

To stay healthy, it is very important to have good mental health and for this purpose, World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on 10 October. On this occasion, today we will talk about increasing stress in children. There are some signs with the help of which symptoms of stress in children can be identified. Let us know about those signs.

  • Stress is a mental problem which can make anyone its victim.
  • At present not only adults but children are also becoming its victims.
  • In such a situation, with the help of some symptoms, it can be identified in time.

Childhood is the most beautiful and memorable time in every person’s life. Remembering childhood days often brings a smile on the face. However, if this childhood has gone through any bad memories or phase, then its impression remains in the mind for life. With changing times, the childhood of today’s children has also changed. On one hand, there are advantages of rapidly changing technology and thinking, but at the same time there are many disadvantages. Children no longer spend time with nature like before, they do not read books and are not very social either.

All these things affect the mental health of children badly. Many times children start getting stressed due to spending time in front of the screen all day. In the changing times, children have also started becoming victims of stress. For some time now, stress is becoming a common problem among children as well. In such a situation, on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, today we will know the symptoms of stress in children and ways to deal with it-

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Children suffering from stress always feel stuck between crying and feeling normal and immediately start crying even on small matters.

Angry and irritable
When children are under stress, they are unable to express this feeling and express the confusion in their mind by shouting unnecessarily. They also get angry easily.

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Demand for attention
Children suffering from stress live in an insecurity. This is the reason that to make themselves feel safe, they demand attention all the time. They attract everyone’s attention by crying or shouting.

Being less social
Whether it is about going to a birthday party or being social in any form, they hold themselves back on such occasions. They hesitate to talk openly to anyone, be it family, friends or teachers.

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They have their own fears, most of which may seem baseless, but this can be a big issue of fear for them. Like fear of darkness, fear of being alone, fear of meeting new places and new people, etc.

Along with this, some children may urinate while sleeping at night due to stress. Some cannot sleep at night or have terrible dreams. Appetite may decrease and there will be a complaint of pain in one part of the body all the time, be it headache or stomach ache.

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Mental Health: This is how to relieve stress in children-

  • Do not put pressure on the child to be perfect.
  • Do not force your child to become an all-rounder by making him join many classes.
  • Encourage the child to play outdoor games and spend some time in nature.
  • Keep social media and screen time as low as possible.
  • Get them to do breathing exercises.
  • Make it a habit to say affirmations regularly.
  • Talk a lot to children and make them feel safe.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information. Before adopting it, definitely take medical advice. THE MONK does not confirm this.)

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