Quality Sleep Tips: Just sleeping through the night does not mean good sleep, these 5 factors are also responsible

Quality Sleep Tips: People who go to the doctor with the problem of sleep disorders often consider good sleep (Quality Sleep) to mean sleeping through the night without any interruption and then feeling completely refreshed in the morning, but do you know that apart from this, many other factors (Sleep Factors) are also responsible for this. Let’s find out.

When people go to the doctor and say that they cannot sleep, they think that good sleep means sleeping the whole night without waking up, but do you know that this is not always true. Actually, our sleep goes through different phases (sleep cycle). Sometimes we are in deep sleep, sometimes in light sleep. During this time we can also wake up many times, even if we do not remember. So good sleep (Sleep Factors) does not only mean sleeping the whole night, but also whether our sleep phases are going on properly or not.

Quality Sleep cycle is like a roller coaster

When we sleep, we have different types of sleep, like sometimes we are in very deep sleep and sometimes in light sleep. These different types of sleep come one after the other, like there is up and down in a roller coaster. This whole cycle takes about 90 minutes.

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When we start sleeping, first we get light sleep, then we go into deep sleep, and then we get such sleep in which we see dreams. In this way, our sleep continues throughout the night.

Good sleep means that we may wake up several times during the night. This is absolutely normal. Just like we go up in a roller coaster, we also come down, similarly, ups and downs keep happening in sleep too.

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What does quality sleep mean?

You must have often heard that adults should sleep for 7 to 9 hours every day, but good sleep does not mean only sleeping for so many hours, but it is also important to sleep well.

What if we sleep well?

  • We fall asleep within a few minutes of going to bed.
  • We do not wake up repeatedly at night.
  • We wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.
  • We do not feel sleepy during the day.

Many people have trouble falling asleep or have poor sleep. About one in four people suffer from sleep problems that make it difficult to fall asleep or cause frequent awakenings. Sleep problems tend to increase with age, such as sleep apnea, where breathing stops at night. These problems can be caused by many things, such as illness, medication, or noise in the house. Sometimes we don’t even know why we can’t sleep. If you have sleep problems, you should see a doctor, as there are many treatments available.

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Waking up multiple times at night?

Should you worry if you wake up multiple times at night? The best way to know this is to pay attention to how you feel when you wake up. If you feel upset or anxious when you wake up, or feel tired throughout the day, it could mean you have a sleep problem. You may also have trouble waking up in the morning. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as going to bed late, going to bed or waking up at different times each day, or your body’s own clock being disturbed. If you have trouble getting up to do daily activities, you should see a specialist.

Will a smart watch be helpful for quality sleep ?

Your smart watch can give you some information about your sleep, such as how long you sleep or how many times you wake up at night. But it is not completely accurate. If you want more information about your sleep, you should go to the doctor. The doctor can check many things in your body, such as your breathing, heartbeat, and brain waves, when you are sleeping. With the information you get from the smart watch, you can understand what time you sleep and wake up every day. This can help you improve your sleep habits. But if you think you have a sleep problem, you should consult a doctor.


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