Story of Kotha No. 64: Tragedy of the prostitutes of the red light area

The question of civilized society’s people is how and from where do the infamous street girls of the red light area come, but does anyone know that some girls come on their own after asking the address of these streets. No one asks her why she left her house and came here on her own. They have come of their own volition or they were forcibly brought here. In this regard, we wanted to know the truth from the prostitutes working in the Red Light area of ​​GB Road in the capital Delhi.

The whole market of Delhi below and the narrow stairs….one floor, two floors, three floors go up….open verandah and queuing rooms…stools placed outside the rooms, the customer sitting in the stool waiting for the room to be vacated.

Once upon a time a girl sitting waiting for a customer in the red light area and a slightly bigger room which is the ‘common room’ of all of them. The custom of this common room is also unique.

Sometimes with bangles and sometimes with the sari. In the world of erotic, worldly shoplifting also goes on here. Today this road has been named Shraddhanand Marg.

Delhi’s GB Road is infamous for prostitution. Laxmi Sooni, who works in Kotha here, says with helpless eyes and in a compulsive voice, ‘I have been living in this kotha of GB Road for the last 10 years. I got married in Chennai and when my husband passed away from the world, I had to come here to take care of 4 small children and sell my body to feed my mother. If she used to work in the village, she used to get 50 rupees for the day’s work, in that she would see the mother or the children?

The South Indian tone of speaking and speaking in clean Hindi, meeting Lakshmi clearly realizes that Delhi has taught her a lot in 10 years.

I am wife without father and husband

A daughter without a father and a wife without a husband says with tears in her eyes, ‘Maika-in-laws are all there, but no one helped. My father also died of cancer. The man had a heart attack. The children do not know that I am engaged in the business of erotic intercourse. They know that I sweep a house in Delhi. My mother knows that I do business in Delhi. What can even a mother do, the poor woman is old and sick.

Lakshmi with great skepticism agrees to speak with us. They are afraid that if their identity is known to their children, they will fall into their eyes of them. Therefore, changing the name, he has promised to print his story. Lakshmi further says- I had gone to Kuwait for 9 months before Delhi to take care of the children, but there was an emergency and we had to leave from there.


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Now here on GB Road, I earn enough money to support my children and family. I have two brothers and none of the brothers helped me. He did not even see his mother. I also have to take care of my mother.
2 thousand goes to the house rent

We pay the rent of the kotha by selling our bodies from the kotha. Every month the rent of a daubenuma Kotha No. 64 is 2 thousand rupees. ‘Iddi Amma‘ used to come every month and take rent from us. I collect the rent till she arrives and hand over the entire amount to her when she arrives. Our condition is worse than the lockdown, so the rent has not been paid for a long time now. ‘Iddi Amma’ lives in Mumbai. She did not come here to make money in the entire lockdown. Now see when they come.

Iddi Amma comes here for a total of one hour and asks us if anyone has any problem then can leave from here. There is no coercion.

We take care of our own health, our zoo

On the ground floor of this room, 30-year-old Jayaprada says, “None of us have any problem here. There is no restriction on us. We can stay in whatever room we want. This is our bird house, where is it here today and tomorrow? Jayaprada, who came from Madhya Pradesh, says, ‘There is a mother in the house. Papa is over. Have two kids. I am on thyroid medication. I have to go for medicine today.

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Is prostitution legal in India?

Prostitution is legal in India, but prostitution in a public place, minor prostitution, operating a brothel, brokerage or hotel prostitution is illegal.

Most of the women working on these cells have given the same information in their homes that they do the work of broom-wiping or cooking, but these unlucky women, unwillingly, live under compulsion in the infamous streets of the city, doing prostitution. She takes care of her family and is called a bad or dirty woman in society. Who is dirty and who makes them dirty, the answer to this question never again.

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