Symptoms of Lupus: If such rashes are visible on the body, then be careful

Symptoms of Lupus: Lupus is a chronic (long-lasting) type of autoimmune disease. It occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells and tissues. This attack causes inflammation which can also damage many parts of the body.

Lupus (Mehakdeep Kaur): Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is also called lupus. Lupus is a disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own cells (tissues). Lupus can affect many different organs of your body including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart and lungs

Lupus Stages

There are 6 stages of lupus, but only 4 stages are found in India. The patient has to take full care of himself in all these stages.

Symptoms of Lupus

It is believed that this disease is more common in women than men. In lupus, there may be complaints of fatigue, fever, stomach ache, joint pain, stiffness, swelling, difficulty in breathing, weight loss, hair fall, headache, chest pain and skin irritation. When lupus grows, blood starts leaking from the pores of your skin and various types of rashes can appear on the skin. In lupus, there is swelling or pain in those parts of your body which are attacked.

Causes of Lupus

Lupus can be caused by these reasons:

-Being exposed to too much sunlight.

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-Some medicines not suiting you.

-It can also be caused by some food items.

-Being under a lot of stress.

-It can be caused due to environmental changes.

-Lupus can also be hormonal.

-Pregnancy can also be the cause of lupus.

When to see a doctor

If you notice symptoms like fever, stomach ache, swelling under the eyes, redness of the eyes and body rashes simultaneously, then you should immediately see a doctor and take his advice.

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Doctors give almost no chance of curing lupus, but there are some ways to prevent it.

-If you notice any symptoms of lupus, then immediately consult a doctor.

Also, medicines should be taken regularly.

-It is believed that lupus can be controlled by taking fever-preventing medicines. However, the patient should take medicines only as per the doctor’s advice.

-Avoid sunlight (UV rays).

-Stay away from stress.

-Do not change the environment.

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-Stay away from soil and dust.

-Do not get too tired.

-Stay away from pollution.

-Use skin products only as per the doctor’s advice.

-Avoid smoking and drinking.

-Do workout in the morning and evening.

-Do not eat fast food.

-Do not stay in extreme heat.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information. Before adopting it, definitely take medical advice. THE MONK does not confirm this.)

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