Fried Idli is a delicious and easy-to-make snack that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Moreover, this recipe is a great way to use leftover idlis...
Middle Eastern cuisines are known for its rich flavors, spices, and diverse range of ingredients. From savory meats to sweet desserts, there are many delicious dishes to try....
As the temperatures start to rise, nothing beats a refreshing summer drinks made with fresh fruits. Here are some delicious and easy-to-make summer drinks that will help you...
Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims, during which they fast from sunrise to sunset. During Ramadan, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet to...
Sabudana kheer is a popular dessert in India, especially during the fasting period. It is made from tapioca pearls or sabudana, milk, and sugar, and flavored with cardamom,...
Today we have brought you the recipe for making buttermilk roti. This is tasty and full of nutrition. You can make and eat it quickly with lunch, so...
Taking a balanced diet is very important for a healthy body. Nutritious or a balanced diet is directly linked to good health which helps us to recover or...
Kitchen Tips: Today we have brought you the recipe for making Paan Thandai. By eating betel leaves, your digestive system remains better. How To Make Paan Thandai: Holi...
The exciting and colorful festival Holi will be celebrated on 8th March this year. This festival is accompanied by a lot of fun where people play with colors...
Hardly everyone will know the benefits of fennel seeds and sugar candy. In summer, people consume many things to keep their bodies cool and avoid the sun. Saunf...
Moringa benefits Today we have brought you the benefits of the superfood Moringa. A lot of protein, amino acids, fiber, vitamins B, C, and E are found in...
Panipuri (Water Balls) For Health: On hearing the name of Panipuri i.e. also known as Golgappa (Water Balls), water comes in the mouth. Eating Panipuri not only changes...