In our scriptures and Ayurveda, food is divided into three parts: Satvik, Rajasic, and Tamasic. Rajasic food was prepared in the house of kings and maharanis, that is,...
Abdominal pain can also be a signs of heart attack, know how to recognize it
Signs Of Heart Attack: Due to today’s hectic lifestyle and unbalanced diet, all kinds of diseases are arising in people. In today’s time, the main reason for serious...
Heart Attack Risk: Consumption of this oil will reduce the risk of heart attack
Heart Attack Risk: Several health conditions, your lifestyle, and your age and family history can increase your risk for heart disease and heart attack. These are called risk...
High Blood Pressure patients should immediately repent from these 6 things
High Blood Pressure Control Tips: By the way, there is no permanent cure for high blood pressure. But it can be controlled with the help of medicines and...
Cooking oil: Samosas fried in used oil can cause cancer! take this caution
Cooking Oil: There is hardly anyone who doesn’t get water in their mouth after seeing samosas and pakoras. It is very tasty to eat samosa, but consumption in...
Lose Weight Tips: In today’s hectic life, every other person is troubled by his increasing weight. Body obesity can cause many diseases for you. Therefore, it is very...
Dairy or Dairy Alternatives as best foods for growing children
Curd Benefits For Health: Eating curd can end not one but many big problems. By consuming this, your body gets plenty of nutrition, due to which bones get...
Turmeric Benefits For Men: Turmeric is a great spice that is beneficial for health in many ways. Yes, turmeric works to remove many diseases from the body. Let...
Never eat these vegetables raw, eating cooked gives more benefits!
As the monsoon is knocking across the country, many people are looking for ways to stay healthy during this season. Be it staying hydrated or staying away from...
Dangerous diseases occurring in monsoon, be alert ahead of time
India usually receives annual rainfall between June and September, which provides relief from the scorching heat, although the rains provide relief to a large extent, but monsoon also...
Turmeric Milk Benefits: Help in Weight Loss and Cancer Prevention Golden Milk
Turmeric Milk Benefits: Turmeric milk is one of the most effective remedies given to us by our ancestors. It is also known as “Golden Milk”, because turmeric color...