Dates Or Dried Dates: Which One Will Be More Beneficial For Your Health In Winter?

Dates Or Dried Dates: dry fruits are very beneficial for our health, but often this question arises in the minds of people that which of these two should be made a part of the diet in the winter season? If you also want to know the answer to this, then in this article we are sharing the details related to it.

Dates Or Dried Dates

  1. Both dried dates and dried dates are consumed a lot in winters. 
  2. In terms of nutrients, both are better than the other.
  3. Many people remain confused as to which of the two is more beneficial.

In the winter season, we need certain food items, such as Dates or Dried Dates, to keep the body warm and to fulfill the nutritional deficiencies. Eating dry fruits, including Dates or Dried Dates, is very beneficial in this season.

Dates and dried plums are two of these dry fruits that are eaten a lot in winters, but the question arises that which of these two dry fruits proves to be more beneficial in winters (Which is Healthier Dates or Dried Plums)? Let us tell you in this article.

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Dried Plums

Dates are dried plums. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. There are many benefits of eating dates in winters. Let’s find out.

  • Beneficial for bones: Dates are rich in calcium and vitamin K which helps in strengthening bones. It is especially beneficial for women.
  • Beneficial for the digestive system: The fiber present in dates helps in keeping the digestive system healthy and removes the problem of constipation.
  • Prevents heart disease: Dates, which are rich in antioxidants, also reduce the risk of heart diseases.
  • Helpful in fighting cancer: Some elements present in dates prevent cancer cells from growing.
  • Effective in increasing immunity: Dates contain vitamin C which increases immunity.


Dates are a sweet fruit which is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. There are many benefits of including dates in the diet in winter. Let’s find out.

  • Increase energy levels: Dates contain natural sugar which gives instant energy to the body.
  • Keeps the digestive system healthy: The fiber present in dates helps in keeping the digestive system healthy.
  • Strengthens bones: Dates, rich in calcium and magnesium, help in strengthening bones.
  • Prevents heart disease: Potassium present in dates reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Improves sleep: Dates also contain magnesium, which helps improve sleep.

Dates or dried dates: which one is more beneficial?

Both dried dates and dried dates are very beneficial for health. Both contain many nutrients which are essential for the body, but which fruit is more beneficial in winter depends on what kind of health issue you want to target.

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  • For strong bones: If you have bone problems then dates will be more beneficial for you because it contains high amounts of calcium and Vitamin K.
  • For better digestion: If you often have digestion problems, then both the fruits can be beneficial for you.
  • For energy: If you feel tired then dates will be more beneficial for you because it contains natural sugar which gives energy to the body.

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