Pollution Is Very Dangerous For Both Pregnant Women And Children, Learn From Experts How To Protect Them

Effects Of Air Pollution In Pregnancy: Increasing pollution is very dangerous for pregnant women and their unborn babies. In this article, health experts explained how this pollution is causing harm and how to protect against it.

Effects Of Air Pollution In Pregnancy 

Nowadays, due to increasing pollution, people are facing many types of problems. Whether it is a respiratory problem or the risk of allergies and asthma, this type of problem is increasing among people due to pollution.

Effects Of Air Pollution In Pregnancy: Pregnant women and children need to be most careful in this. In such a situation, in today’s article we will understand the effects and precautions on small children and pregnant women due to pollution. Senior Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology, gave many important information about this, which everyone should know.

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Effects of pollution on pregnant women and children

Be it a small town or a big city, pollution has taken a dangerous form everywhere, in such a situation, pregnant women are at risk of many types of dangers, such as: pollution can increase the risk of miscarriage, the risk of birth defects can increase, complications in pregnancy can increase, the child’s

Effects Of Air Pollution In Pregnancy: development can be affected due to pollution. On the other hand, it also has very harmful effects on children, such as: pollution can increase respiratory problems in children, the risk of allergies and asthma can increase, neurological problems can increase in children. Therefore, it is very important for them to understand what to do and what not to do?

What to do in such a situation

To avoid the dangers of pollution, pregnant women and children should keep these special things in mind:

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1. Wearing a mask is mandatory: Pregnant women and children must wear masks at this time. If they go out of the house or go to a polluted place, do not forget to wear a mask.

2. Breathe clean air: Stay away from polluted places and go to green areas with more trees and plants. Keep in mind that wherever there is pollution, you must keep your mouth covered or use a mask. Breathe clean air and stay healthy.

3. Keep consulting a doctor from time to time:Sometimes breathing problems occur and we are unable to pay attention, but this problem is occurring due to pollution. In such a situation, you should keep contacting a doctor from time to time and keep getting yourself checked.

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4. Pay attention to your food habits: Apart from avoiding pollution, pay attention to your food habits as well. Take nutritious food, especially green vegetables, milk, curd, eggs, meat. This increases your immunity.

Tips to stay safe from pollution

1. Avoid going to polluted areas: During the day, stay away from industrial areas, high traffic areas and polluted areas.

2. Avoid going out in the morning and evening:Children and pregnant women should avoid going out in the morning and evening due to the increasing pollution at this time. Although they go out for their health and sports, they should not do so when there is more pollution.

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3. Do not use plastic: Use of plastic further increases the risk of pollution, hence the use of plastic should be avoided.

4. Stay away from smokers: Pregnant women and small children should stay away from smokers during this time. Because on one hand increasing pollution and on the other hand the harm caused by smoking can cause problems for them quickly.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information. Before adopting it, definitely take medical advice. THE MONK does not confirm this.)

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