Do You Know What Will Happen If You Add Lemon to Cream, Know The Tricks to Make Ghee in Minutes

Make Ghee In Minutes: Do you also find it difficult to make ghee? If you know the right method, you can extract ghee in 10 minutes. Today we will tell you such a trick, with the help of which you will be able to extract ghee quickly. 

It is so delicious if hot roti is smeared with ghee. Ghee is not only used in cooking but also in Ayurvedic treatments, skin care and worship.

ghee is made by churning cream from milk to make butter, which is then heated to extract pure ghee.

But did you know that adding lemon to cream can make the process of making ghee even easier? In this article, we will learn about this interesting process and also share 5 easy tricks to make ghee in minutes.

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What happens if you add lemon to cream?

If you want to make ghee quickly and in large quantities, adding lemon juice to cream can be a great way to do it. Let’s find out what happens when you do this:

The acid present in lemon breaks down the cream quickly, which separates the butter. This makes the churning process easier. Actually, adding lemon juice separates the fat and water present in the cream, which makes extracting butter easier. The fragrance and effect of lemon makes ghee fragrant. A large amount of ghee can be obtained from cream by this method.

5 easy tricks to make ghee in minutes-

Make Ghee in Minutes
Make Ghee

1. Store the cream properly

The most important thing to make ghee is to collect the cream in the right way. After boiling milk every day, collect the cream that comes out in a container and store it in the refrigerator. When enough cream is collected, churn it to make butter and extract ghee. This process can help you make ghee in minutes!

Tip: Malai can be stored for 7-10 days. If you want to keep it for longer, then mix some curd in it, so that butter can be extracted easily.

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2. Freeze the cream first

If you want to extract ghee quickly, then keep the cream in the freezer for 1-2 hours. This will make the cream solid and it will take less time to churn it.

Tip: Lightly stirring the cold cream in a blender or mixer helps in separating the butter quickly.

3. Add some curd or lemon to the cream

As mentioned earlier, adding a little lemon juice to the cream makes it curdle quickly and the butter separates quickly. If lemon is not available, you can also add 1 spoon of curd to the cream, which will make it sour and separate butter quickly. This will help you make ghee in minutes

Tip: After adding lemon to the cream, keep it at room temperature for 30 minutes, then churn it.

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4. Use a mixer or hand blender

To speed up the process of making ghee, use a mixer or hand blender instead of churning it by hand .

Tip: Put the cream in the mixer, add some cold water to it and run it for 2-3 minutes. The butter will separate immediately.

5. Heat the butter over low heat

When the butter separates, cook it on low flame. Slowly the water in the butter will evaporate and pure ghee will remain.

Tip: Do not cook ghee for too long, otherwise its color may become dark. Filter the ghee and store it.

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Common mistakes in making ghee-

Do You Know What Will Happen If You Add Lemon to Cream, Know The Tricks to Make Ghee in Minutes - The Monk

Mistake 1: Churning cream immediately after taking it out of the fridge

The right way: Bring the cream to room temperature. Churn the cream only after it becomes normal.

Mistake 2: Heating the butter on high heat

Correct way: Cook butter on low flame so that the ghee can be extracted properly without burning.

Mistake 3: Adding too much water to cream

The right way: Add a little cold water to the cream. Do not add too much, otherwise the butter will not separate.

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