Masan Holi: Masan Holi is celebrated every year in Varanasi on the next day of Rangbhari Ekadashi. Masan Holi is a festival that lasts for two days. It is believed that Lord Shiva started Masan Holi. Come, let’s know what is the mythological story related to Kashi’s Masan Holi.
Just like the Holi of Braj is famous all over the country, similarly the Holi of Masan in Kashi is also very important. Masan Holi is celebrated every year on the next day of Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Falgun month in Kashi. This means that Masan Holi will be celebrated in Kashi today on 21st March. Masan Holi is considered a two-day festival. Masan Holi is played with the ashes of pyre and gulal.
Sadhus and saints gather at the Manikarnika Ghat of Kashi and sing Shiva bhajans and celebrate life and death by dancing and singing and applying the ashes of Masan to each other and blowing it in the air. During this time, the entire Kashi becomes Shiva-filled and the name of Har-Har Mahadev is heard all around. According to the mythological story, Lord Shiva first played Masan Holi after his marriage. It started from here. Come, know the mythological story related to Masan Holi.
Special guests attended the marriage of Lord Shiva and Parvati
Lord Shiva is considered to be a recluse, but seeing the intense penance, faith, and dedication of Goddess Parvati, he accepted her marriage invitation. Lord Shiva also invited ghosts, Yakshas, Gandharvas, and spirits to his wedding. It is said that Shiva never discriminates among his devotees.
After the grand wedding, Lord Shiva played Masan Holi in the cremation ground with his unusual companions, symbolizing that life and death are equal in his eyes and that even the spirits have the right to celebrate joy. This tradition is still observed in Kashi, where devotees play Masan Holi in the Mahashmashan, smearing themselves with ash instead of colors.
If someone remembers him with full devotion and love, then Lord Shiva definitely gives him shelter. For this reason, out of affection, Lord Shiva included all the gods, demons, ghosts and spirits etc. in his marriage. All these people are considered special guests in Shiva-Parvati marriage. At the same time, everyone was very scared seeing the fierce form of Shiva, but when Parvati ji prayed to Shiva to come in his tender form and let this marriage be completed, then Shiva took the form of a handsome prince. After this Lord Shiva and Parvati were married.
After marriage, Lord Shiva and Parvati came to visit Kashi
After marriage, Lord Shiva and Parvati came to visit Kashi for the first time. It is believed that this day was Rangbhari Ekadashi. On the day of Rangbhari Ekadashi, Lord Shiva celebrated Holi by applying gulal to Goddess Parvati. Seeing this Holi of Shiva and Parvati, the Shivganas were enjoying watching from a distance. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati played Holi on Rangbhari Ekadashi. The next day, the devotees of Bholenath, which included ghosts, Yakshas, vampires and Aghori sadhus, requested that Lord Shiva play Holi with them as well.
Lord Shiva knew that these special devotees of Shiva stay away from the colors of life, so keeping them in mind, Lord Shiva blew away the ashes lying in the crematorium in the air. After this, all the special Shivganas together started playing Holi by applying the ashes of the crematorium to Lord Shiva. Mother Parvati was standing far away and smiling at Shiva and his devotees. Since then, it is believed that the tradition of playing Holi with the ashes of the crematorium started in Kashi.
What is the significance of Masaan Holi
It is believed that Holi in the Masan is like celebrating death. Holi in the Masan is a symbol of the fact that when a person overcomes his fear and leaves behind the fear of death, then he celebrates life like this. On the other hand, the ashes of the pyre are considered to be the ultimate truth.
This teaches us that no matter how much a person is surrounded by vices like ego, greed, but in the end his life journey has to end in the Masan. On the other hand, according to another mythological story, Lord Shiva had defeated Yamraj as well, so Holi in the Masan is of much greater importance for conquering death.
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