What is a silent heart attack? Why is the risk increasing? If you see these symptoms, be careful in time!

Silent Heart Attack Symptoms: Due to stressful life and changing lifestyle, the rate of heart attacks has increased a lot in the last few years. But in this too, the risk of silent heart attack has started increasing among the youth.

Silent Heart Attack: Due to changing lifestyle and strange eating habits, the rate of heart attacks is increasing. The increasing number of heart attacks among the elderly as well as the youth has become a matter of concern. Increased heart rate, weakness or numbness in the hands, severe chest pain are usually considered symptoms of heart attack. But have you heard of silent heart attack? Silent heart attack is considered a heart attack. But the symptoms are very few. There is no chest pain or difficulty in breathing in silent heart attack.

A person understands that problems like chest pain, pain in the arm-neck, indigestion are normal. But these can be symptoms of silent heart attack which seem harmless. The risk of silent heart attack is the same as that of a normal heart attack. People with diabetes, high blood pressure, old age, smoking, obesity, lifestyle, family history of heart disease, high cholesterol are at higher risk of silent heart attack.

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Symptoms of silent heart attack

-In silent heart attack, burning sensation is felt instead of chest pain.

-Weakness and fatigue can be felt.

-Many times silent attack causes acidity, indigestion, dehydration and fatigue.

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-Silent heart attack can be dangerous when the blood supply to the heart reduces or stops.

-Most people feel normal before and after a silent heart attack.

-After a silent heart attack, the risk of a second heart attack increases.

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What to do in case of a silent heart attack?

If any of these symptoms are seen, consult a doctor without delay. For this, tests can be done through electrocardiogram and echocardiogram. This test can detect changes in the heart. Depending on your condition, the doctor may suggest treatments such as angioplasty,heart transplant, bypass surger

How to avoid a silent heart attack?

-If you have indigestion or heartburn along with other symptoms, consult a doctor instead of home remedies.

-If you are a heart patient, be very careful about your diet. Include healthy and fiber-rich foods in your diet.

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-If you are a blood pressure patient, get yourself checked regularly and take medicines on time.

-Exercise daily, this helps your body and other organs to function properly and reduces the risk of heart disease.

-Stay away from addictive habits like alcohol and cigarettes.

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Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information. Before adopting it, definitely take medical advice. THE MONK does not confirm this.)

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