Struggling with Cold Hands While Washing Dishes in Winter? These Amazing Tips Will Transform Your Work!

Tips for washing dishes in winter: It is very difficult to touch cold water during the winter season. Especially during this time, washing utensils is a very challenging task in itself. Today we are going to tell you some such tips, which will make your work very easy.

Winter has begun. Now gusts of cold winds can be felt in the morning and evening. Although in many ways the winter season is better than summer, but this cold season also brings with it many big challenges. The biggest challenge during this time is to put hands in cold icy water.

For the rest of the tasks, one can still avoid it once, but washing utensils is a very difficult task during this time. Putting hands in freezing icy water is really very difficult and many times due to this, problems like swelling and itching in the fingers also occur. In such a situation, today we have brought some very useful tips for you, which will make your task of washing utensils very easy and will definitely give you some relief in winter.

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Use gloves

Struggling with Cold Hands While Washing Dishes in Winter? These Amazing Tips Will Transform Your Work! - The Monk

As soon as winter starts, the water in the tank becomes so cold that one does not even feel like touching it. However, utensils cannot be washed without water. In such a situation, the easiest and best option is to go to the market and buy rubber gloves for yourself. After wearing gloves, you will be able to wash utensils very easily, no matter how cold the water is. Nowadays, scrubber is also made on the gloves with the help of which utensils can be washed quickly.

Soak Greasy Utensils in Hot Water: Tips for Washing Dishes in Winter

If you want to avoid cold water, then this simple remedy can also help you a lot. For this, just take this big tub and fill it with slightly hot water. Now put all your dirty utensils in this tub. If the utensils are very dirty and greasy, then you can also add a spoon of baking soda or salt and lemon in it. Now soak the utensils like this for some time. With this, the grease and dirt on your utensils will get cleaned automatically. Now just pick up each utensil and clean it with the help of a sponge and clean water. All your utensils will be cleaned in minutes.

Avoid Piling Utensils: Tips for Washing Dishes in Winter

Struggling with Cold Hands While Washing Dishes in Winter? These Amazing Tips Will Transform Your Work! - The Monk

In the winter season, it would be better that you do not pile up too many utensils. This will save you from spending too much time in cold water. For this, you can wash small utensils immediately and keep them, so that later there are not many utensils left in your sink. Apart from this, you can also use the utensils again and again. For example, after cooking lentils in a cooker, clean it with hot water and cook rice in it. You can do the same with a pot or pan. This will save you from washing utensils again and again.


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Clean Burnt Utensils: Tips for Washing Dishes in Winter

Many times food gets burnt due to repeated heating in winter. This burnt food sticks to the utensil in such a way that it takes a long time to clean it. In such a situation, you can adopt a very easy and effective remedy to clean burnt utensils. For this, just put a little salt and dishwash liquid on your scrubber and rub your utensils. In a short while, your burnt utensil will shine completely.

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